An meine Kollegen – WARNUNG

Es ist schon wieder passiert….

Es gab eine Zimmer Anfrage – dieses Mal für eine Gruppe von Journalisten (group of 6 Journalists from the UK ).

Ich hatte noch Zimmer frei und bestätigte die Buchung.

Ich verlangte eine Anzahlung und dann kam folgende mail mit der “Scheckgeschichte”.

Ich warne hiermit alle Kollgen davor diesen Deal einzugehen, der Scheck ist nicht gedeckt und Sie werden übers Ohr gehauen!

Ich bekam schon einmal so eine mail, da ging es um eine Gruppe von Nonnen.

Also Finger weg!

hier die mail:


Thanks for your reply and assistance so far. I am glad to inform you that we have concluded payment with the delegates. However, a Certified Bank Cheque of Eur 7,000 was earlier made out by the Company that is sponsoring the Vacation Trip of the Journalist.
This Cheque was meant for the accomodation, car rental services, and other necessary arrangements. I have now been instructed to send you the Cheque, which will cover the cost of accommodation and all the necessary arrangements for the Journalists.

Moreover, we also made an arrangement with a pre paid car hiring firm who will provide the Journalists with the cars they will be using during their stay. So you are required to deduct the cost of your services Eur 560 and keep the balance of Eur 6,440 which has been designated for use by the Company for the Journalists and their guide which they will collect as soon as they arrive at your place.

So confirm this and provide me with the following information: (1) YOUR FULL NAME (2) YOUR ADDRESS and (3) YOUR PHONE NUMBER, for payment to be delivered to you via courier.

Please remember that the integrity of our agency is involved, so this
transaction requires your prompt response. I also hope that the stay of the delegates will be made most comfortable.

Sincere Regards,
Dr.William Taylor
79 Brompton Road


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